Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lonely Stat and Extras

This Stat and extras were inspired byt the song
"The Lonely" by Christina Perri
Watch the video HERE

I used the amazing art of ©Abranda lcle
And the Wonderful kit "DarkSideOfTheMoon"
By Jeesica Woods of Gothic Inspirations

You can purchase the tubes here at UpYourArt
And purchase the kit Here at Gothic Inspirtations



Monday, March 19, 2012

Taking Back PSP for PinkRibbon.org

I am so happy and proud to be apart of this amazing event to raise money
Last day to donate is Thursday so go on get ur butt over there and donate for a ticket to win.
Here are a few things I and my bestie Shani, are donating as door prizes
4 yes 4!!!!!  Signed prints (poster size)
of the Amazing art of Garrett Blair
 Diamond Blue

Now ya know ya want to be apart of this great event
please use the blinkie below to get there.
Hope to see ya there March 23rd 8pm Est Stnd Time


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Promo Banners!

Here are some promo banners I have made for my bestie Shani of
 and also a Etsy store banner for The Veil
If you like what you see and would like to showcase your scrapkits in a different way hit me up HERE@MY EMAIL
The kit banners are actually bigger 800x300

And her is one I just did for Jessica Woods at Gothic Inspirations
You can find her kick ass kits >HERE<
